Families Helping Families of Jefferson sat down with Ms. Edwina Jones for a Q & A regarding the supports and services she received from our organization.
This is what Ms. Jones had to say:
Q. Why did you call FHF?
A. I called to reach Mrs. Mathieu who is a renown expert regarding IEPs and disabilities as it relates to public schools. She possesses extensive knowledge and eagerly shares it with you in a very forthcoming manner.
Q. How will you use the information and/or support you were given?
A. I used this information explained to me by Ms. Mathieu when conducting my son’s IEP Meetings and addressing his needs with the school officials.
Q. How will this information and/or support improve your life or the life of your child?
A. My son has a 4.0 in a mainstream program pursuing a high school diploma at John Ehret. I used this information to ensure that he remains on track and has his needs met to achieve optimal success prior to college.
Q. Anything else you’d like to share?
A. I have referred numerous people to FHF, specifically to Mrs. Mathieu, either personally or professionally through my Consulting Company, EWJ & Associates, LLC. Everyone who has provided me with feedback has expressed great appreciation and positive remarks regarding this organization and Mrs. Mathieu.