Adults with Disabilities

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Adults with disabilities are constantly changing in not only Louisiana but all over the United States.  Many adults with disabilities were either born with them or acquired them as a child.  However, at any moment, you could become part of this growing number, temporarily or permanently.  Depending on your age when you became disabled and if the disability is temporary or permanent will impact the services you may be eligible to receive.  Families Helping Families of Greater New Orleans can connect adults with disabilities with supports and resources.

Check out our vast resources on our RSA Independent Futures that Work! Project Page.  

If you don’t see what you are looking for, need assistance in finding what is suitable for you, have questions about services available, or have any other need, please call us at (504) 888-9111 or (800) 766-7736, and we would be happy to assist.

Updated on 5/24/2023
