Events in January 2025
Planning for Adulthood: Your High School IEP Questions Answered
Planning for Adulthood: Your High School IEP Questions Answered
January 6, 2025Planning for Adulthood: Your High School IEP Questions Answered – You have likely been thinking about and planning for the transition process from high school to adult life for your child for a long time! Learn more about how the IEP and transition supports in high school can help your child prepare for adult life.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenters: Sharon Blackmon, FHF of GNO; Cynthia Chesterfield, FHF of GBR
Co-Host: FHF of Greater Baton Rouge
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Planning for Adulthood: Your High School IEP Questions Answered
The Bridge from High School to Postsecondary Services
The Bridge from High School to Postsecondary Services
January 7, 2025The Bridge from High School to Postsecondary Services - In this webinar, we will assist you to understand the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) process as it pertains to postsecondary education and other related services. We will also provide an overview of programs and resources available to your child entering postsecondary education or employment.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenters: Sharon Blackmon, FHF of GNO; Wallace Johnson & Mylinda Elliott, FHF of SWLA
Co-Host: FHF of Southwest Louisiana
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Parent Rights in Special Education
Parent Rights in Special Education
January 9, 2025Parent Rights in Special Education - Join us as we discuss the rights that parents have when it comes to their child’s special education and related services, such as parental participation, access to education records, informed consent, prior written notice, your right to disagree with school, and more.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenters: TBD
Audience: Parents, self-advocates, or professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
When Parents and Schools Disagree
When Parents and Schools Disagree
January 13, 2025When Parents and Schools Disagree - This training session will delve into Louisiana’s Special Education dispute resolution options and what to do when you disagree with the school regarding your child’s special education services. We will discuss different informal and formal dispute resolutions options offered by the Louisiana Department of Education, and how to request one of the dispute resolution options.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenter: TBD
Audience: Parents, self-advocates, or professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Getting and Keeping Your First Job
Getting and Keeping Your First Job
January 15, 2025Getting and Keeping Your First Job - Getting and then keeping a job for someone with a disability can be tough. This training will go over why work is important, challenges for youth, the labor market, disability disclosure, accommodations and more.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenter: TBD
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Introduction to Special Education
Introduction to Special Education
January 16, 2025Introduction to Special Education – Do you suspect your child could benefit from special education and related services, or is your child newly evaluated? This overview of Special Education and related services will give you a strong foundation on which to build future knowledge. You will learn about the philosophy of special education, the laws, the evaluation process, and some information about the IEP.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenters: TBD
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The Importance of Inclusion, Part 1
The Importance of Inclusion, Part 1
January 21, 2025The Importance of Inclusion, Part 1 - Why is the inclusion of children with disabilities in schools, classrooms, and communities important? This webinar explores what inclusion is and what it is not, and who is involved in making meaningful inclusion successful.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenters: TBD
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The Importance of Inclusion Part 2: Inclusion and the Law
The Importance of Inclusion Part 2: Inclusion and the Law
January 22, 2025The Importance of Inclusion Part 2: Inclusion and the Law - Why is inclusion of children with disabilities in schools, classrooms, and communities important? This webinar explores that question and the demand for inclusion in federal law.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenters: TBD
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Louisiana's Bullying Prevention Law
Louisiana's Bullying Prevention Law
January 23, 2025Louisiana Bullying Prevention Law - This law applies to all public school students: regular education and special education. However, there are some significant implications that need to be considered when a student with a disability is involved.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenter: TBD
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Advocacy 101
Advocacy 101
January 27, 2025Advocacy 101 - As parents or advocates of individuals with disabilities, knowing how to advocate effectively is critical. Advocacy is defined as taking action in support of or opposition to a cause or issue. Advocacy can be done through education, outreach, and grassroots organizing. Here, we will provide you with some of the basics on how to become an effective advocate.
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Presenter: TBD
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.