Trainings/Events Calendar

The week's events

  • Top Tips for an Effective IEP Meeting

    Top Tips for an Effective IEP Meeting

    July 29, 2024

    Top Tips for an Effective IEP Meeting - In this webinar, we will break them down the IEP meeting preparation into three steps: before, during, and after the meeting. Implementing our top 5 tips in each of these steps should result in a better IEP experience.

    Venue: Zoom Webinar

    Presenters: Sharon Blackmon (FHF of GNO), Alexa Bolden, FHF of NELA

    Co-Host: FHF of Northeast La.

    Audience: Parents, self-advocates, or professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.

    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


  • Introduction to Work series, Part 4: An Overview of Resources to Support Work Skills Development

    Introduction to Work series, Part 4: An Overview of Resources to Support Work Skills Development

    July 30, 2024

    Introduction to Work series, Part 4: An Overview of Resources to Support Work Skills Development: In the final part of this 4-part series, we will look at a variety of resources available to assist families, educators, and other professionals who work with youth and young adults with disabilities to develop the skills necessary to seek, obtain, and keep employment.

    Venue: Zoom Webinar

    Presenters: Sharon Blackmon, FHF of GNO

    Audience: Parents, self-advocates, or professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.

    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


  • Parent Rights in Special Education

    Parent Rights in Special Education

    August 1, 2024

    Parent Rights in Special Education - Join us as we discuss the rights that parents have when it comes to their child’s special education and related services, such as parental participation, access to education records, informed consent, prior written notice, your right to disagree with school, and more.

    Venue: Zoom Webinar

    Presenters: Sharon Blackmon, FHF of GNO; Alexa Bolden, FHF of NELA

    Co-Host: FHF of Northeast Louisiana

    Audience:  Parents, self-advocates, or professionals working with students with disabilities or special healthcare needs.

    After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

