ACT Testing Accommodations
ACT is committed to serving examinees with documented disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations appropriate to the examinee’s diagnosis and needs. ACT has established policies regarding documentation of an examinee’s disability.
Assessments for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities: ESSA Fact Sheet
This fact sheet is designed to accompany the Stakeholder Guide to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and gives you a basic overview of the alternate academic achievement standards and alternate assessment provisions contained in ESSA. It’s organized in a Q&A format.
Source: Center for Parent Information and Resources and The Advocacy Institute
Grades 3 – 8 Assessments
This site will give you information on the Louisiana assessments for students in grades 3 – 8 including guidance, sample test items, practice tests and more.
High School Assessments
This site will give you information on the Louisiana assessments for high school students. This includes end-of-course testing, ACT, sample test items, practice tests and more.