Trainings/Events Calendar

The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
August 2, 2021(1 event)

What Happens When Parents & School Disagree?

August 2, 2021

What Happens When Parents & School Disagree? Louisiana's Special Education Dispute Resolution Options - Join us for this new interactive training as we discuss Special Education dispute resolution options when parents disagree.

Learning Goals includes:

  • The frequently used acronyms;
  • The different informal and formal dispute resolutions options offered by the  Louisiana Department of Education;
  • How to request a dispute resolution option; and
  • More


Presenter: Jessica Rodrigue, FHF of GNO
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals of School-Aged Children/Students.

To register, click on the link below. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

August 3, 2021
August 4, 2021(2 events)

Louisiana's Bullying Prevention Law

August 4, 2021

Louisiana's Bullying Prevention Law - Join us as we discuss Louisiana’s Bullying Prevention law.  This law applies to all public school students, regular education and special education.  However, there are some significant implications that need to be considered when a student with a disability is involved

Presenter: Jessica Rodrigue, FHF of GNO
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals of School-Aged Children/Students.

To register, click on the link below. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Navigating the IEP: Part 1

August 4, 2021

Navigating the IEP: Part 1 - Join us for this new interactive training as we navigate the different sections of the IEP. In Part 1 of our 4 Part Series, we will cover the requirements of notification to the parent for an IEP meeting, IEP team members, IEP exceptionalities, General Student Information and Special Factors to be considered for a child with a disability.

Presenter: Jessica Rodrigue, FHF of GNO
Audience: Parents, Caregivers, and Professionals of School-Aged Children/Students.

To register, click on the link below. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

August 5, 2021
August 6, 2021
August 7, 2021
August 8, 2021